The Rescue Funds Global Partners

We work with partners globally to rescue the oppressed, exploited, voiceless, abused, and over-sexualized. We fight against human trafficking, over-sexualization of children, domestic and public abuse, and exploitation.

Through partnerships we offer treatments that help these brave survivors find closure through legal means, and through impactful aftercare treatements. We strategize and work with government leaders to find preventative means to eliminate the risk of such abuse.


What We Do

Projects you can trust.

We fully vet every nonprofit in our community. We’ve even conducted site visits for most organizations.

We're not-for-profit.

Unlike other crowdfunding platfroms, our mission is to help nonprofits and donors have more impact, not to make a profit.

Training and support

We offer tools, training, and one-on-one support to help nonprofits get the funding and resources they need.

trusted and impactful

Meet our partners

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Become The Hero in their Story

These stories don’t are only possible because someone like you decided to stand up and make a difference. There are millions suffering at that hands of their abusers right now! They need to be rescued, they need to be given opportunity, they need to share their story, however this can’t happen without your support.

Global Needs by
the numbers

42 Million

people around the world are captive and enslaved. We won't stop until the last one is free.

153 Billion

Human Trafficking, the fastest growing industry in the wold, is now a $153 Billion industry.

70 Percent

of trafficking victums come from within the U.S. 50-60% of these coming from foster care.

1/4 Children

Children make up 25% of modern day slavery victims. God's children are not for sale.